New York Labor Law Poster Updates

All businesses with employees in New York are required by state & federal employment laws to post Labor Law Posters in a visible location. Employment laws change often, which require labor law posters to be updates. Below includes past & most recent mandatory labor law updates which require employers to post the latest version of these posters..

Mandatory change(s) for the state of New York

Veteran Benefits & Services-Newly required posting for the state of New York effective January 1, 2023. *2023 Poster is shipping now.
Whistleblower Protection-New posting requirement for all businesses in the state of New York.
New York Minimum Wage-Will be revised with new 2022 New York minimum wage rate. *2022 Poster is shipping now.
New York Minimum Wage-Revised with new $12.50 per hour minimum wage effective December 31, 2020.
New York Minimum Wage-Revised with new Tipped Worker minimum wage rates and overtime rates, effective June 30, 2020.
04/2020 Right to Vote-Completely reworded with new information on how long employees have to vote as well as a new revision date.
12/2019 New York Minimum Wage-Revised with new $11.80 per hour minimum wage effective from December 31, 2019 to December 30, 2020.
Right to Vote-Completely revised poster outlining the benefits that an employee has on election days.
12/2018 New York Minimum Wage-Revised with new 2019 minimum wages and new revision date.
11/2017 New York Minimum Wage-New Yorks minimum wage will increase on 12/31/2017. In New York City, $13.00 for Large Employers (11 or more employees) and $12.00 for Small Employers (10 or less employees). In Long Island and Westchester County, $11.00. For the remainder of New York State, $10.40.
12/2016 New York Minimum Wage-New Yorks minimum wage will increase on 12/31/2016. In New York City, $11.00 for Large Employers (11 or more employees) and $10.50 for Small Employers (10 or less employees). In Long Island and Westchester County, $10.00. For the remainder of New York State, $9.70.
12/2015 New York Minimum Wage-Updated to reflect new 2016 minimum wage rate of $9.00 per hour, effective December 31, 2015.
12/2014 New York Minimum Wage-Updated to reflect new 2015 minimum wage rate of $8.75 per hour, effective 12/31/2014.
11/2013 New York Minimum Wage-Updated to reflect new 2014 minimum wage rate of $8.00, effective December 31, 2013.
11/2009 Right of Nursing Mother's to Express Breast Milk-Newly added poster.
07/2009 New York Minimum Wage-Reflects new minimum wage rate of $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009 Other changes made to content.
11/2008 Blood Donation Leave-Newly added poster.


Mandatory federal change(s) 

10/2022 EEOC Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal-Revised to use plain language and bullet points to summarize the laws for employees. Added a QR code that links to instructions on how to file a charge of workplace discrimination. This new version replaces the old Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law poster.
07/2016 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Federal Minimum Wage-Update includes new regulation revisions as of August 2016 which includes text regarding nursing mothers and overtime rules..
07/2009 Wyoming Minimum Wage-The federal minimum wage reflects $7.25.
EEOC Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal (Updates and Replaces EEO is the Law Poster) - Updated 10/2022-Addition of Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) Regulation.
11/2008 The Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act (USERRA)-Added the Office of Special Counsel to the poster and modified existing text to incorporate the new office information.


New York Labor Law Poster Posting Requirements:

  • Minimum Wage Act (NY State Labor Law, 661)You must provide all employees with information regarding the Minimum Wage Act. The Complete New York Labor Law Posters display this information in a full-color, easy to read format.
  • Workers Compensation (NY State Workers Compensation Law, 51)The Complete New York Labor Law Posters fulfill your legal obligation to post, in a conspicuous location, information related to Workers' Compensation rights, benefits and obligations.
  • Unemployment Insurance (Regulations of the Industrial Commissioner, 472.2)You must provide information to all employees regarding their rights and obligations with respect to unemployment insurance. The Complete New York Labor Law Posters display this information clearly.
  • Clean Indoor Air Act (NY State Public Health Law Art. 13-E, 1399-p)You must maintain a smoke free environment, and post notices regarding the no smoking policy in your workplace. The Complete New York Labor Law Posters display this notice for all employees and visitors to see and follow.
  • Employment of Minors (NY Labor Law Art. 4 144) When employing minors, you must display information pertaining to the hours that they can legally work. The New York Complete Labor Law Poster displays this information. Post it in a conspicuous location.
  • Toxic Substances (NY Labor Law Art. 28 876)You must provide notices regarding toxic substances at work, so that your employees remain informed and safe. The New York Complete Labor Law Poster displays this information on your behalf, so that your employees are informed, and your company is compliant.
  • Payment of Wages (NY Labor Law Art. 6 I95) You must post your policies regarding sick leave, vacation, personal leave, holidays and hours. The New York Complete Labor Law Poster displays this notification so all employees and management can review as necessary.
  • Safety and Health Protection on the JobThe New York Complete Labor Law Poster informs all employees of their rights to safety and health protection on the job.
  • Disability BenefitsThe New York Complete Labor Law Poster displays notices regarding disability benefits. You must post this information in a conspicuous location. Discrimination Notice You must maintain a workplace free of discrimination, and post notices to this effect. The New York Complete Labor Law Poster conveys this information in a clear, easy-to-read manner.
  • Time Off to Vote NoticeYou must provide employees with time off to vote if necessary. The New York Complete Labor Law Poster affirms you commitment to the law and reminds employees of their rights.
  • Fringe Benefits NoticeYou must provide information to employees regarding fringe benefits. The New York Complete Labor Law Poster displays this information.
  • New York No Smoking Poster You must maintain a non-smoking workplace. The New York Complete Labor Law Poster reminds employees and visitors of your smoke-free policy.
  • Blood Donation Leave You must provide notices informing employees of their rights to leave work in order to donate blood. The New York Complete Labor Law Poster displays this notice.
  • New York Correction LawIt is unlawful to discriminate against persons convicted of criminal offenses, and you must post a notice to this effect. The New York Complete Labor Law Poster displays this information clearly.
  • Right of Nursing Mother's to Express Breast MilkAffected employees have the right to unpaid break time in order to express breast milk, and you must post a notice to this effect. The New York Complete Labor Law Poster displays this information.
  • Federal Minimum Wage Act (29 CFR 516.4)Federal law requires that you post information with respect to the federal minimum wage increases from $6.55 an hour to $7.25 an hour, effective July 24, 2009. This information must be displayed in a conspicuous location.
  • Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (38 USCA 433(a))You are mandated by federal law to provide information regarding the rights, benefits and obligation of employees who are governed by the Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. Post this information in a conspicuous location.
  • Employee Polygraph Protection Act (29 CFR 801.6) Per federal law, employees have specific rights and protections accorded to them under the Employee Polygraph Protection Act. You must inform employees of their rights under the act. Ensure that you post this information in a conspicuous location. Be aware that under 29 CFR 801.42(7) a civil penalty of up to $10,000 may be assessed against you for violating any provision of the Act.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law (29 CFR 1601.30)Your employees must be informed of their rights under federal equal employment laws. Ensure that you post this information in a prominent and accessible location.
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (29 USC 2619(a)(b)) You must post information informing employees of their rights and protections per the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act. This information must be displayed in a conspicuous location, accessible by all employees.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 CFR 1903.2(a)(1))You must display clear, summarized and accurate information regarding your employees' rights and protections under the Federal Occupational Health and Safety Act. Display this information in a conspicuous location, and ensure that it is not altered, defaced, or covered by other material.